There is A LOT of opportunities to melting moon dust with lasers to craft a solar fields, oxygen etc.
This mission is key role for research, how to make any important technology for survival homo sapiens sapiens in any enviroment. Earth population isn’t sustainable. Every things which humans to using everyday means the exponencialy higher population than 8 billion.Β
If humans don’t want to restrict population grow, which is important for quick research and produce, and biodiversity, which is importat for all living species, they must to setle the universe. There isn’t another option or chance for the survival of the species under any conditions in the universe.
NASA Looks to Advance 3D Printing Construction Systems for the Moon and Mars
Humans needs to setle the universe due to high populatiton if you want to keep biodiversity. Space hasn’t limit.
Humans need a lot of research to find new technologies how to survival in any enviroment, which is important for survival the species homo sapiens sapiens in their universe and the way how to keep any biodiversities alive.
“Earth is the cradle of humanity, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever.” Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky
I saw many ideas about the Moon/Mars habitats, but you need something like Tokra building system alpha 1.0. Why?
- Because you need to eliminated/mitiged the unhabitable enviroment, which means extra hot and extra cold, radiation etc.
- You need a easely repair and craft/building system for new habitat and using a Moon/Mars material for that.
Due to this system you can to get easely any material for research.
That means you need space mining tools and crafts version 1.0 (upgradeable version) for teraforming any surface in the Universe , which :
- lasers
- “minig mole” for tunnels
- etc.
You will to need power station, sci lab, hospital lab, gravity /Artificial gravity simulators, observation station, docking station, sleeping room, toalet room, hospital healt care, garages etc.
If you want tu survive and keep human race alive, you need to settle universe, that means the higher probabilty to be alive due to any phenomenas in the universe.
We need a new commercial space station / space craft, a huge platform, where you can to live for nonlimited time, which can also toΒ explore the solar system due to ion etc. engine systems.
SBIR/STTR Research
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